Barry Oak was born in a small town, raised by a father with ideals close to his own and a mother who believed in pushing limits where no one else would. Taking his lessons from his parents to heart, Barry studied the arts of mindfulness, meditation, and being aware of one's soul as he grew. In elementary school, he was commended for being the most calm and mature out of all of the children, as well as exhibiting fantastic signs of academic greatness- He could read and do maths at a college level by the young age of 10.
Despite his academic greatness, Barry refused multiple offers to skip grades, stating that 'All things must be done naturally and with patience.' and taking his time to go through each grade before finally going to college when he was 19. It was during his stay at Princeton (Studying to Graduate in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) that he drafted his now best-selling book 'Theory of Brilliance: Natural Power & How to Harness it' and started sketching out ideas of the commune that would become Oakvale. In interviews about this topic, he states with a laugh, 'I showed my dorm-mate who, at the time, barely knew me due to conflicting schedules, and he immediately got the impression that I was some kind of madman. I bet he would choke on those words if he had seen how far my ideas have progressed, now.'
Barry fondly remembers the chaos that ensued from his dorm-mate, school, and the media when he started publishing his ideas. In the present, Barry lives the happy and peaceful life that he dreamed of in Oakvale- He has reached a higher state of being and enlightenment, published many theories on how we as humans have gotten our history and power systems wrong, and more topics that most people couldn't even dream of breaching into. His last public appearance was 10 years ago, and when questioned about life in Oakvale he stated, 'Imagine the perfect life and multiply it by three hundred percent. It is calm, it is loving, and no one there has any care or reason to care about the unelightened outside world. The more I teach and train the Oak-Children, the happier they become to realize that they are exactly where the Gods would want the perfect to be.'